Well its been about a month since I first installed Google Analytics on my page so I thought I would give my visitors a bit of a run down on how the site has performed. In short it has performed beyond my expectations. 11,863 page impressions from 3377 visits. You can see from the graph above that the site's traffic is still climbing whereas I was kind of expecting it to level off a week or so after the Clipsal 500.
I have spent a lot of time promoting my pics on several forums. Hence they are a large source of a lot of my traffic. You can see from the graph above that Boostcruising and Superior Pics are my two best performers. Particularly in the beginning I have these two websites to thank for most of my traffic.
It is also good to see that my traffic from google is finally starting to climb and for today so far it is actually my largest referrer. You may have noticed that my links in my forum signatures changed recently. This is an attempt to improve my position on google searches of my keywords. Check out John Chow's post on improving your google traffic by putting your keywords in your "anchor text" here:
John Chow: Make Money Online - Feel The Power Of The Anchor Text
You can see from the map above that the website is getting visitors from all over the world. This is probably thanks mainly to my traffic from Superior Pics which is an international forum. People from a total of 63 different countries have visited this site with Australia (70%), US (7.7%), UK (4.0%), Canada (2.5%) and Germany (2.1%) being the top 5.
Good to see some countries I have never even heard of on the list too with visitors from Kyrgyzstan, Herzegovina and Mauritius!
There are some other interesting stats to report. I am stunned that over 68 of you have visited my site over 51 times! Thank you so much for your loyalty. 25% of my visitors are on dial up. I feel sorry for you guys! 29% of you use Firefox and 2% use Linux.
Once again a big thank you to all my visitors and I will try my hardest to keep the regular posts going for you.