
With we intend to bring you all the pics and videos of our favorite aussie motorsport babes we can get our hands on! This blog is just a small part of the motorsportbabesau network which also includes pages on these popular sites:

Who is an aussie motorsport babe? Well in our books it's any of the gorgeous promo girls, grid girls, bikini comp girls, etc, present at one of the many motorsport events around Oz. These events include:

  • V8 Supercars
  • Autosalon
  • Fast Fours Jamboree
  • Indy
  • Formula 1

Take note. We are not professional photographers. We are just typical aussie motorsport fans who felt that we could help promote the various motorsport events, their sponsors and of course the hot models from around Oz.

Our team so far comprises three Adelaide lads. Hence our own material will be mainly limited to Adelaide events which we all know are pretty limited. However if things go well we do hope to make a few interstate road trips here and there. We may even be able to sign up a few interstate lads to help us out. Who knows?

In between events we also intend to comb the interwebs for other peoples material of such events and blog the links to all the galleries, forum posts, vids, etc, we find and highlight our favorites.


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